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Upon beginning my first digital marketing internship, I had no idea how much work would ensue, purely from scheduling posts and creating campaigns. I remember the good ole days when creating a post was something I did for fun in my spare time. I never thought I would be hopping from one social platform to another to schedule individual posts, scrambling to grab the ideal photo or design, agonizing over copy, before finally scheduling it. And that was only with one post. Before I knew it, it would be time to schedule another and another... and then maybe one more Tweet here or there. With that first internship, there would be fifteen campaigns in one month I’d need to schedule. I’d go back to work, adding tracking parameters to each individual post until, finally, I had completed the month’s rough social campaign outline. None of this work took into account the events or news stories our company may have wanted to comment on, but the rough outline I had would have to do because I had successfully spent a full week just working on social media.

开始我的第一个数字营销实习后,我完全不知道将要安排多少工作,仅是安排日程和创建活动。 我记得在创建帖子时过得很愉快,这是我业余时间做的事情。 我从没想过我会从一个社交平台跳到另一个地点来安排个人帖子,争先恐后地抓住理想的照片或设计,在最终计划之前为复制而苦恼。 而且只有一个帖子。 在我不知道之前,是时候安排另一个和另一个了……然后再在这里或那里再发布一条推文。 有了第一个实习期,我需要安排一个月内进行15个广告系列。 我要回去工作,在每个帖子中添加跟踪参数,直到最后我完成了本月的社交活动概述。 这项工作都没有考虑到公司可能要评论的事件或新闻报道,但是我不得不做一个粗略的概述,因为我已经成功地度过了整整一周的社交媒体工作。

The above example gives you a glimpse into my workload before I began using social sharing platforms. As you can see, it was hectic, relentless, and a tad bit overwhelming. The day I found social sharing platforms was the day I stopped hectically and hurriedly scheduling content. It was the day I began to dig into metrics when choosing copy and tone. It was a dream day!

上面的示例使您了解了我开始使用社交共享平台之前的工作量。 如您所见,它忙碌,无情,并且有点压倒性。 我发现社交共享平台的那一天是我急切地停止并计划内容的那一天。 从那天开始,我开始研究选择复制和色调的指标。 那是一个梦幻的一天!

For anyone who is still manually scheduling content, please stop! Pick a social sharing platform and not only will you improve your workload, but also help your company craft better performing, well-designed campaigns.

对于仍在手动安排内容的任何人,请停止! 选择一个社交共享平台,您不仅可以改善工作量,还可以帮助您的公司制作效果更好的精心设计的广告系列。

The first step of this process is to outline your needs. Your social sharing platform should be chosen to fit your team’s marketing needs, not the other way around. Here are the top qualities I look for when choosing a social sharing platform, in order of importance:

此过程的第一步是概述您的需求。 应该选择社交共享平台来满足团队营销需求,而不是相反。 以下是我选择社交共享平台时所追求的最高品质,按重要性排序:

  1. Calendar View: This is one of my favorite features. A good calendar view will allow you to see, at a glance, how many campaigns are scheduled, how many individual social posts are scheduled, what time they are scheduled, and what copy they used. and both have excellent calendar views. Both allow you to make drag-and-drop changes, see some of the copy, and quickly view your campaigns and individual posts. CoSchedule goes the extra mile here. They allow you to set up color schemes to differentiate between campaigns and allow you to see the full copy and image in a hover view. 

    日历视图:这是我最喜欢的功能之一。 良好的日历视图将使您一目了然地计划了多少个广告系列,计划了多少个社交帖子,计划了什么时间以及使用了哪些副本。 和都具有出色的日历视图。 两者都允许您进行拖放更改,查看某些副本并快速查看广告系列和单个帖子。 CoSchedule在这里发挥了更大的作用。 它们使您可以设置配色方案,以区分广告活动,并允许您在悬停视图中查看完整的副本和图像。
  2. Tracking Parameters: Tracking your campaigns allows you to prove the importance of each campaign right down to associated revenue. and CoSchedule have the best versions of this feature. allows you to add tracking parameters, but it falls under their link-shortening feature and you cannot customize it down to the content level on parameters. It is also solely integrated through Google Analytics. Hootsuite has a link icon at the bottom of the post-builder window that allows easy entry of your CID, UTM, or other parameters. is similar—the parameter appears at the bottom of the post-builder window. All tracking parameters will work after your team integrates Google Analytics into the platform. 

    跟踪参数:跟踪广告系列可让您直接从相关收入中证明每个广告系列的重要性。 和CoSchedule具有此功能的最佳版本。 允许您添加跟踪参数,但是它属于其链接缩短功能,因此您无法自定义参数的内容级别。 它还通过Google Analytics(分析)单独集成。 Hootsuite在post-builder窗口的底部有一个链接图标,可轻松输入CID,UTM或其他参数。 类似,该参数显示在后生成器窗口的底部。 在您的团队将Google Analytics(分析)集成到平台后,所有跟踪参数都将起作用。
  3. Number of Social Platform Connections: When you have a lot of social platforms for your company, you need to be able to connect them all in one place, so find a sharing platform that won’t limit you.The more social platform connections you can add in a free plan, the better. Buffer allows more social platform connections than Hootsuite’s free plan. 

    社交平台连接当你有很多的为您的公司社交平台,你需要能够将其都连接在同一个地方,所以找到一个共享平台,将不会限制you.The多个社交平台连接,您可以添加免费计划越好。 与Hootsuite的免费计划相比,Buffer允许更多的社交平台连接。
  4. Integrations: This is another case of “more is better”! Integrations with your social sharing platform allow you to work faster and smarter. Hootsuite has the largest library of integrations available in their —most of them I have never needed, but there are many to choose from, including any extension or application. Some integrations have different integration set ups, namely Google Analytics. Buffer has basic integrations and only offers a selection of applications for paid users. CoSchedule has integrations, but no applications.

    集成:这是“越多越好”的另一种情况! 与您的社交共享平台的集成使您可以更快,更智能地工作。 Hootsuite在其拥有最大的集成库-其中大多数我都不需要,但是有很多选择,包括任何扩展或应用程序。 某些集成具有不同的集成设置,即Google Analytics(分析)。 Buffer具有基本的集成,并且仅为付费用户提供一系列应用程序。 CoSchedule具有集成功能,但没有应用程序。
  5. Post Preview: Being able to preview what your post will look like natively, once it has published, is a feature I have grown to love. You spend hours picking out designs and editing copy so looking at a preview seems like a natural final step before publishing your post. CoSchedule is the only platform currently offering this feature. It will hopefully become a standard for these services as future updates roll out. 

    帖子预览:发布后,能够预览您的帖子本身的外观是我逐渐喜欢的一项功能。 您花了数小时来挑选设计和编辑副本,因此在发布帖子之前,先看一下预览似乎是很自然的最后一步。 CoSchedule是当前唯一提供此功能的平台。 随着未来更新的推出,有望成为这些服务的标准。
  6. Mobile App: As a marketer, business owner, or employee tasked with social media campaign scheduling, you are busy and on the move a lot. Having the ability to edit, reschedule, and view your schedule from the palm of your hand is vital! Buffer has the best mobile app. It makes it easy to schedule, edit, view, and see quick analytics. Hootsuite’s mobile app is—surprisingly—easier to use than its desktop version and rather powerful. CoSchedule’s mobile app is becoming more powerful, but it still needs development work. Their desktop version, in comparison, is easy to navigate and schedule from, while the mobile app is really only useful for small edits and rescheduling. 

    移动应用程序:作为负责社交媒体活动计划的营销人员,企业主或员工,您很忙,而且忙得不可开交。 能够从手掌进行编辑,重新安排和查看安排的能力至关重要! Buffer拥有最好的移动应用程序。 它使计划,编辑,查看和查看快速分析变得容易。 令人惊讶的是,Hootsuite的移动应用程序比其桌面版本更易于使用,并且功能强大。 CoSchedule的移动应用程序功能越来越强大,但仍需要开发工作。 相比之下,其台式机版本易于浏览和安排,而移动应用程序实际上仅适用于小型编辑和重新安排。
  7. Analytics: I like to use Google Analytics to look at my campaign metrics, so I rated this low on the features list. All of these platforms have metrics associated with them and if you are using the platform to see at-a-glance metrics, Buffer does this best. Hootsuite has analytics reports you can set up but, they are not the easiest to figure out. CoSchedule offers message-level analytics on their lowest plan, but you have to pay for the growth plan to see the social engagement reports, which are the more valuable ones. However, CoSchedule does offer , a new feature that intelligently automates re-posting content in campaigns based on its performance. While this feature is available at all pricing levels, it may add to your total cost. 

    Analytics(分析):我喜欢使用Google Analytics(分析)查看我的广告系列指标,因此我在功能列表中将此列为低。 所有这些平台都有与之关联的度量标准,如果您正在使用该平台来一目了然地查看度量标准,则Buffer会做到最好。 Hootsuite可以设置分析报告,但这些报告最不容易找到。 CoSchedule提供了有关其最低计划的消息级分析,但是您必须为增长计划付费,才能看到社交参与度报告,它们是更有价值的报告。 但是,CoSchedule确实提供了 ,一项新功能可以根据其性能智能地自动在广告系列中重新发布内容。 虽然此功能在所有定价级别均可用,但可能会增加您的总费用。
  8. Browser Extensions: These allow you to post or schedule posts outside of the platform. Hootsuite has an extension called Hootlet which allows for quick posting and scheduling capabilities wherever you are on the internet. Buffer and CoSchedule also have browser extensions that allow quick posting and scheduling.

    浏览器扩展:这些扩展使您可以在平台外部发布或安排发布。 Hootsuite有一个名为Hootlet的扩展,无论您在互联网上什么地方,它都可以提供快速发布和计划功能。 Buffer和CoSchedule也具有浏览器扩展,可以快速发布和计划。

Final Platform Comparison:


For me, Buffer and Coschedule are the top social sharing platforms. 


Let’s Break it Down:


has a free version where you can have one social account per network and are limited to 10 scheduled posts in your queue at one time. However, you cannot access the calendar view feature in Buffer’s free version. The individual plan is $10/month and the lowest plan for teams is $99/month. This platform also has an extremely powerful mobile app.

有一个免费版本,您可以在每个网络上拥有一个社交帐户,并且一次只能在队列中安排10个预定帖子。 但是,您不能使用Buffer的免费版本的日历视图功能。 个人计划是$ 10 /月,团队的最低计划是$ 99 /月。 该平台还具有功能极其强大的移动应用程序。

has a free 14-day trial, but no free version. As my personal favorite social sharing platform and the one I currently use, I don’t mind paying for the ease and excellence this platform brings to my day-to-day tasks. The lowest plan for individuals is $40/month but includes all the calendar-view features I love. The lowest plan for teams is $60/month It also includes integrations with Wordpress, Google Analytics, Bitly, and more. Having the Google Analytics integration allows me to input custom UTM parameters and better track a campaign’s success. The mobile app is still getting some development love.

有14天的免费试用期,但没有免费版本。 作为我个人最喜欢的社交共享平台以及我目前正在使用的平台,我不介意为此平台带来的便捷性和卓越性付费。 个人的最低计划是每月40美元,但包括我喜欢的所有日历视图功能。 团队的最低计划是每月60美元,其中还包括与Wordpress,Google Analytics(分析),Bitly等的集成。 集成了Google Analytics(分析)后,我可以输入自定义的UTM参数并更好地跟踪广告系列的成功。 这款移动应用仍然受到开发的热爱。

has a free plan that allows you to connect up to 3 social profiles and have up to 30 scheduled messages in your queue. The individual plan is $19/month and their team plan is $99/month. Overall this platform is not as user-friendly or designed as well, but has a powerful integration/app system and browser extension in Hootlet.

有一项免费计划,可让您最多连接3个社交个人资料并在队列中最多包含30条预定消息。 个人计划为$ 19 /月,团队计划为$ 99 /月。 总体而言,该平台不是用户友好型或设计良好的,而是在Hootlet中具有强大的集成/应用程序系统和浏览器扩展。

These are only a few features to consider when adding a social sharing platform to your marketing tools. Above all, make sure this addition will help your team meet its goals. Any tool that is too difficult to use or doesn’t simplify your job doesn’t belong in your toolkit. Besides, if your to-do list is anything like mine, you have more than enough on your plate to worry about without any additions. 

将社交共享平台添加到您的营销工具时,这些只是一些要考虑的功能。 最重要的是,请确保此添加将帮助您的团队实现其目标。 任何太难使用或无法简化您的工作的工具都不属于您的工具包。 此外,如果您的待办事项清单与我的清单相同,那么您无需做任何额外的工作就可以担心更多。

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